My friend Doreen (modeling below) saw
my remodeled vintage jewelry and asked if I would consider looking at a
bag of costume jewelry she had inherited from her deceased mother and
aunt. The jewelry wasn't Doreen's taste however it had sentimental value.
It had been buried in her drawer, unworn for ages.

It was just before Christmas 2010 and I was busy with sales, gift-buying and general holiday craziness. Doreen gave me carte blanche to create whatever I desired. She was in no rush for the work, because she had no intention of ever wearing any of these old pieces anyway. I told her I'd have a look, but couldn't guarantee I'd even be able to look at it until after the holidays.
That night I opened the bag, and practically within minutes had three new pieces constructed. I wish I took a "before" picture of the tangled pile of rhinestones, clip-ons and chains that was in the bag. But since I didn't, you'll have to use your imagination. It was just a big pile of stuff. Little did I realize what treasures were hidden in that clump of stuff.
I'm still making fresh creations from Doreen's collection of unworn heirlooms.
Her enthusiasm for her new/heirloom jewelry has been extremely rewarding for me.
Here are a few of the many new necklaces I made using Doreen's trove.
Graduated aurora borealis crystals, restrung on purple silk bead cord.
Uniform aurora borealis crystals, restrung on golden silk bead cord.
An earring and a brooch became a new necklace
A Victorian locket and 1950's rhinestone brooch are combined with vintage gold- and silver-tone chain
to create an entirely new look.
Here's another necklace, similar to the one above.
Do you have old jewelry sitting around not doing anything?
Send a picture of what you have to info (at) and I'll propose a new custom design for you!